I always thought I wanted to look good until I realized what it felt like to be fit.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Finals week...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Catching Up
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cold weather
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Just a lot on my mind
Thursday, December 2, 2010
In preparation for Maine...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My to-do list
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Back to the grind...
I may have already used this blog title, but to be honest I can't remember. Thanksgiving break is over as of tomorrow morning at 9:05. I'm so bummed. I didn't do a whole lot of anything over the break (including studying) but it sure went by fast. Highlights? Those include spending exuberant amounts of time with Riley, Bailey, and Mattie, Christmas shopping, Christmas pictures (one set with mom, one set with dad), hanging out with my Soulmates, and spending a lot of time with my grandparents. In my opinion it was a break well spent. Just need to make it through these CRAZY three weeks until I can get home (and then to MAINE!!!). And by crazy, I mean I have 18 papers, tests, presentations, and/or projects due before the 17th. Yuck.

Would the song still survive without five golden rings
Would you still wanna kiss without misletoe
What would happen if God never let it snow
What would happen if Christmas carols told a lie
Tell me what would you find
You'd see that today holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to the birthday boy who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
So here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something more
What if angels did not pay attention to
All the things that we wished they would always do
What if happiness came in a cardboard box
Then I think there is something we all forgot
What would happen if presents all went away
Tell me what would you find
You'd see that today holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to the birthday boy who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
So here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something more
We get so caught up in all of it
Business and relationships
Hundred mile an hour lives
And it's this time of year
And everybody's here
It seems the last thing on your mind
Is that the day holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
But here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something
Christmas must be something
Christmas must be something more
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
"My life be like Ooh, Aah"
Emily and Kim came down Friday and we had a fun-filled weekend. We saw Harry Potter, went shopping, visited my dad, played Wii Sing It, etc. And then Sunday I drove to Richmond (with Kim and Em in tow) and we met up with Becky for the day. We didn't do to much of anything. Some more Christmas shopping - actually I found a few small things for friends.
Monday Riley and I both had dentist appointments. I also spent the day with my grandparents watching game shows and cleaning the house.
Today Riley had a Thanksgiving program at school (only a half day). Now we're just hanging out around the house. I've already finished one scarf and started to work on another one.
Though the days are pretty busy (I've been getting up earlier here than when I have class!!!), I am dreading the break ending. I know there is so much left to do in only the 2 weeks left. Not to mention exam week will be right around the corner.
Tomorrow I plan on sleeping in. And if someone wakes me up early, they will be pay. Haha.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I'm thankful for....
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Beautiful Saturdays
Monday, November 8, 2010
"I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you"
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
What A Wonderful World

Friday, October 22, 2010
Against my better judgement...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Too much going on all the time
Saturday, October 9, 2010
"We got nothin' figured out"

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Time flies when you're having fun (and not studying Anatomy)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Oh Anatomy
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I get by with a little help from my friends
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I'm only me when I'm with you

Sunday, September 12, 2010
US Open
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Long Days = Longer Nights
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A little bit heartbroken...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
On another completely different topic...
Amy Carmichael: "Father, I'm not soaring today. Help me."
God: "Daughter, soaring is not always flying high above the world. Sometimes one is soaring only two feet above the ground, just enough to keep you from getting tangled in the thorns and crashing against the rocks."
Food for thought
Other books that I read this summer (other than my textbooks) included Wicked, Pants on Fire (Cabot), Dreamland (Dessen), Lock & Key (Dessen), the Pact (Picoult), and Nadal's Bio. All of them great in their own way. However I couldn't help but notice a common theme threaded between the pages. With a few exceptions, all of these books were and are obsessed with love and giving the characters their happy ending. While these may create a fun, bubbly read, I can't help but wonder how these unrealistic love stories have jaded some readers. I'll be the first to admit, I love a good love story. I'm all for happy endings (and seeing the princess come out on top despite how horrible her actions were). In fact, I'd love that happy ending -what girl hasn't dreamt of that at one time or another?
But the bottom line is that real life is not like the stories we read or the movies we watch. It's just not that simple. Truth be told, there are real consequences for our actions. While it's great to live through our favorite characters (movie or book), society has really pushed upon happiness coming from a great love story. I agree that love is a big part of happiness, but it is not the only part. Maybe it's because I'm young and naive, or maybe it's because my priorities are so different from societal views, but I think each person holds the power to create or disrupt their own happiness. I'm the only one who can decide how my happiness is affected. Other people can play parts in this but ultimately I'm the one who decides how I react and feel towards everyone else. I guess what I'm really trying to say, is that we should be able to decide for ourselves where happiness comes from. To one person, it just might be that great love story; happy ending; fairytale. To another, it could be job success or raising a family. The possibilties are endless. Reading books and watching movies gives us a nice break from reality. There's absolutely nothing wrong with either as long as it doesn't dictate what can and should make us happy in life.
Friday, August 27, 2010
"Is this real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality..."
Monday, August 23, 2010
"Today was a fairytale..."
Last week both Leslie and Kim came to visit (seperate visits) and I had Riley with me. We went to the pool most days, shopped some, played at two different parks, shopped some more, made fun dinners, went to Riley's favorite place (McDonald's), visited the SPCA, and so much more. It was a very fun, but packed week. I enjoyed visiting with some of my favorite friends as well as little sister. I brought her back yesterday because she started school today.
So today, we took Riley to her first day of first grade. I really can't believe she's getting so big! Afterwards Bai and I went with our mom to Fredericksburg and ran some errands. After I got home I went over to my grandparent's house. I visited with my grandparents for six hours. We watched Wheel of Fortune and Deal or No Deal. We had a great dinner and watched "From Russia with Love". It's actually a really good James Bond movie. It's an older one -so old in fact that Sean Connery is James Bond. All in all it was really good and I had a blast just spending time with my grandparents.
I love the summer. I'm really sad to see it go. I remember being a little kid and feeling like summer lasted forever. I remember playing outside at my grandparent's house for hours. Sometimes Laura and I would explore down to the pond, sometimes we'd go for a walk in the Apple Orchard. Whatever we did, it was outside - we were so good at entertaining ourselves. Those days have certainly past. A couple blinks of an eye and school's right around the corner. I'm definitely trying to make the most of this last week. Tomorrow I'm heading to Roanoke to spend some time with Emily. I'm pretty excited. The summer has been short, but it has definitely been full!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
3 Showers, 7 days...

Thursday, August 12, 2010
"You said the way my blue eyes shined put those Georgia stars to shame that night"

Tina moved to Georgia! This is just one of the many pictures of the cars we loaded up to get down to GA! She had a lot of stuff, but luckily we made it all fit down on the trip! It was a lot of hard work. We unpacked, packed, and unpacked some more.
We also had a lot of fun!

We played around, went to a couple of bars, and even went to a Braves game at Turner Field. We ended up getting free tickets right behind the dugout! Eventually we found out that the seats were box seats and we got to sit in the AC. It was really cool. Josh and I drove back on Tuesday and I got in late Tuesday night. It was a great trip, just a lot of work. I'm still trying to recover from my summer. Looks like I'm heading to the beach though! I'll be sure to post all of my Maine adventures and pictures soon!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sweet Virginia
Classes ended on the 23rd of July. I went home and spent a few days with my family and then headed out to Maine. I spent a glorious week there doing all of kinds of fun things with the Spangler family. Then I flew back to VA, hung out with Kim for a day, and then headed to Georgia to move Tina into her new apartment (she's going to UGA). I just got back today and am so ready to sleep in my own bed. I'm so exhausted right now that I'm going to save all my Maine adventures and Georgia stories for later posts. I have lots of pictures to share and fun things to talk about. Can't wait to share the rest!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
"Well I'm going home, to the place where I belong"

I'm so excited! Today is the first day of freedom! I'm going home to see my sisters. I'm so excited to have some time away from school and enjoy time with family. I'm also going to Maine on Monday. I'll be there a week and then I come back and leave for Atlanta a few days later. I probably won't be able to post for a couple days or so. So enjoy your summers and I'll see you all soon! Hopefully in person!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
"I don't know what I want, so don't ask me..."

I don't know what I want, so don't ask me, cause I'm still trying to figure out, don't know what's down this road I'm just walking, trying to see through the rain coming down, even though I'm not the only one that feels that way I do...
I don't know why, but I'm really in a Taylor Swift mood - especially the first CD.
Anyways, this picture is of me and Laura -my most favorite cousin ever! This is one of the summers that we went to Ocean City, MD. I loved those summers - spending time with family and literally not having a care in the world. And now my summers are spent in class. 3-5 hours a day when instead I could be out in the fresh air at the beach or at least visiting friends.
Freedom begins tomorrow! I took my last midterm today (and I think I did really well!) and I have a presentation tomorrow. Afterwards it's pool time with some classmates and then packing for home/Maine/Georgia. So ready to finally have some time to enjoy! The best part is, my classes start a whole week later than I thought! We don't go back until the 30th of August. So now I have 5 weeks of relaxation before the fall semester starts.
I can't wait to see my friends and family again. I'm going home on Saturday and will hopefully get to spend some time with my sisters! I miss them a lot.
Until tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
"I hope you [have] the time of your life"

So I changed these lyrics in the title of today's post. Originally it's "I hope you had the time of your life" but I changed to go along with today's picture. This picture is of my OT class. There are 22 of us but I think that one or two of the girls couldn't make it to the BBQ. These past 6 six weeks have been crazy busy, stressful, and fun. We've all put time into our work and really focused on getting to know one another. Grad school is hard enough as it is, but it's hard to stick 22 girls in one class and have everything run smoothly.
I think 99% of the time, we've all gotten along really well. Nothing stands out to me about any one person not getting along with another or about any drama that happened. If people plan events, everyone gets invited. When we talk about stuff, whether inside or outside of class, everyone's views and opinions are respected. We mesh really well together!
In only six weeks, we've grown so close as a whole class but also through the friendships we've developed. No one person is the same but we can relate with and empathize with one another through the experiences we've had. The program itself is really hard, but with such great peers/colleagues/friends, it makes it just a little bit easier to deal with.
My hope for us as a class, is that as the next 2 1/2 years unfold, we dwell on the good, remember the bad, and move forward towards our future. We'll look back and remember the late night study sessions and laugh at ourselves at obsessing over these finals. We'll realize that while these tests are important, so is the time we put in to our relationships. We'll remember the tests, the stress, and being overwhelmed. But we'll also remember the potlucks, the constant laughing, and the inside jokes. Our purpose is, of course, to learn about our profession and become Occupational Therapists. The journey is about all the things we'll do together on the way.
I hope when we graduate in 2012 (wow that's so far away!) that we'll look back and realize we did have the time of our lives.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Laughing so hard it hurts like hell..."

So I chose these "laughing so hard it hurts like hell" lyrics because it pretty much just sums up the picture. Let me give a little bit of background information. Sophomore year at JMU, Amanda, Emily and I lived in a triple (yes that's 3 beds in one room!) on the quad. We actually had a really nice room and bathroom so it wasn't that bad. We got into the habits of filming different movies and being super random. One night right before bed, I finished brushing my teeth and came out of the bathroom. Right as I opened the door, there was Amanda waiting to scare me. The funny thing was that I saw her, but didn't react right away. Then she scream "boo" and I ended up screaming bloody murder. This all happened in a matter of ten seconds. It was pretty funny. We heard people in the hallway asking what the noise was. It was pretty funny. We laughed so much. If you couldn't tell from this picture. I was literally rolling on the ground.
Come to think of it, I'm like that with pretty much all of my friends. Once I get going on something, it's really hard for me to stop. Like yesterday in class. A group presented their hour long group facilitation on humor. I was thinking this should be fun, I think of myself as humorous and felt like I would really enjoy class. And let me tell you, I did. It was ridiculous. They showed some video clips and the first ones were funny but not that great. And then they showed "A tire hit Mary in the face" by Dane Cook. I don't know if you've ever heard this or not, but it is pretty great. And by great I mean ridiculously funny. At one part, Dane says that you can't even say that without laughing. And boy did I try. And it didn't work. I busted out laughing so hard and all the girls in my class were laughing too. So I finally recovered somewhat and they played a "that's what she said" clip from the office. Now if you know me, you know that I LOVE a good that's what she said joke. This did it. I was in tears. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't stop. I actually had to get up from class and step into the hallway to regain some composure. And it worked. For about 30 seconds. I got back into the class and it just started all over again. My professor couldn't even stop laughing. I would look up and see my friend across the room and that was it. It was ridiculous.
I had to explain that I use laughter as a stress release. And this week just so happens to be the busiest week of the summer. So of course I laughed a lot. And I needed it too. It just reminded me of so many good times where my friends and I end up laughing for hours about nothing.
So, listen to the Avril song "Runaway" because it inspired today's picture. And if you want a good laugh watch the Dane Cook and the "That's what she said" clips. Enjoy!
Avril - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkGacEwwb9A
Dane Cook - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk9Fq5QT3ps
TWSS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAAi_42uIkQ
Monday, July 19, 2010
"These are a few of my favorite things..."

Right now my favorite things include:
-diet sunkist (orange, delicious, and caffeine-filled)
-staying in VA
-laughing uncontrollably
-Hannah Montana Forever aka anything Miley Cyrus
-being 4 days away from the end of the summer semester.
Some of my not so favorite things?
-Diet Dr. Pepper
-Moving/living in states other than VA
-headaches from laughing too much
-the end of summer
-Frank on the bachelorette
-2 exams and 5 projects in the next four days
"When everything is wrong I'll come talk to you, You make things alright when I'm feeling blue"

Okay, so I absolutely love this song by Weezer. I guess it's because everyone somewhere can relate to having a best friend who would drop anything for you. The lyrics are so fun and every time I hear this song, I always think of my best friends.
I love this picture too. It's me and my BFFL after the Redskins/Giant game. It was too cold to remember the score, I just know that Giants crushed the Redskins (surprised?). I loved being able to go and I love the fact that I went with Tina.
We've had a lot of great memories. So many, I couldn't even begin to start writing them down. We've been through a lot together. Even through the fights and tears, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know she's always got my back. That's why it's going to be really hard to move her to Athens, GA in 16 days. It's bittersweet. I'm really excited for Tina to start her new life and grad school, but I'm also really sad about losing her. The road trip will be awesome and there's no doubt that we'll have a lot of fun. I'm just not ready for goodbye.
Anyways, if you haven't heard My Best Friend by Weezer yet, listen to it. It's really good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC4bZH2zTOg
Sunday, July 18, 2010
"I said it's hot outside, let me go swimming in your eyes..."

A new day equals a new blog. I haven't been the greatest keeping up with blogs in the past, but I figured that it couldn't hurt to try it again. One of my main goals for grad school is to try new things and be more adventurous than before. Of course, I'm starting this new journey in Week 6 of school.