Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm only me when I'm with you

After another stressful week of classes and anatomy tests, the weekend finally rolled around! I had made plans to drive to Richmond and see Kim, but I had to dog sit and I wouldn't have gotten there until 8PM on Saturday night. So she came down to see me instead. Friday night we went out to dinner and then watched Crossroads (yes the Britney Spears movie!) and just crashed pretty early. We both woke up at 7:30 on Saturday (which is the worst feeling ever on your day off). It ended up being really productive. I spent the morning cleaning and getting things ready for next week, Kim did some "studying" and I took care of the dogs. Then we decided we were going to make a music video. So we went to Ross and grabbed some Vegas-themed clothes and met up with Emily. Once we got back, we did the whole thing! We dressed up in Vegas appropriate dresses, poofed our hair, did outrageous make-up, and then found appropriate jewelry. It was awesome. For the very end scene, I had the brilliant idea of jumping into the pool (after hours). So we all jumped in with make up and hair (however just pajamas). We haven't edited yet. Hopefully it'll get done some time this week.

Next week we're making a music video to "I'm only me when I'm with you" which is a very appropriate best friends song. If you haven't heard it, check out the link to the music video or just read the lyrics. It's one of my favorite Taylor songs right now!

1 comment:

  1. I love you. I love all of our fun times together. It just seems that no matter when we get together, we always find something outrageous to do! Sometimes the most random, spontaneous ideas turn out to be the most beautiful memories. I like that.
