Against my better judgement, I've decided that I like my beta fish. Of course you would think that I would naturally like hence the reason I bought him. Not true. When Riley came to visit over the summer, I spoiled her rotten. I mean, that's what big sisters are for. :) I bought her a beta fish (whom she still has!) and I got one as well. When I got mine I decided not to care because I had an incident with fish a few years ago when I lived on campus. Anyways, he's all red and really gorgeous and his name is Sebastian (he reminded me of the crab from the Little Mermaid).
Also, I went through my camera and found some pictures from the summer that I completely forgot about.

This just makes me miss 1. My sister 2. Kim and 3. Summer/My tan
OMG! I forgot about those pictures! Do you have more from that weekend? That was so fun. I also miss Riley, and summer, and of course you!!