So I chose these "laughing so hard it hurts like hell" lyrics because it pretty much just sums up the picture. Let me give a little bit of background information. Sophomore year at JMU, Amanda, Emily and I lived in a triple (yes that's 3 beds in one room!) on the quad. We actually had a really nice room and bathroom so it wasn't that bad. We got into the habits of filming different movies and being super random. One night right before bed, I finished brushing my teeth and came out of the bathroom. Right as I opened the door, there was Amanda waiting to scare me. The funny thing was that I saw her, but didn't react right away. Then she scream "boo" and I ended up screaming bloody murder. This all happened in a matter of ten seconds. It was pretty funny. We heard people in the hallway asking what the noise was. It was pretty funny. We laughed so much. If you couldn't tell from this picture. I was literally rolling on the ground.
Come to think of it, I'm like that with pretty much all of my friends. Once I get going on something, it's really hard for me to stop. Like yesterday in class. A group presented their hour long group facilitation on humor. I was thinking this should be fun, I think of myself as humorous and felt like I would really enjoy class. And let me tell you, I did. It was ridiculous. They showed some video clips and the first ones were funny but not that great. And then they showed "A tire hit Mary in the face" by Dane Cook. I don't know if you've ever heard this or not, but it is pretty great. And by great I mean ridiculously funny. At one part, Dane says that you can't even say that without laughing. And boy did I try. And it didn't work. I busted out laughing so hard and all the girls in my class were laughing too. So I finally recovered somewhat and they played a "that's what she said" clip from the office. Now if you know me, you know that I LOVE a good that's what she said joke. This did it. I was in tears. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't stop. I actually had to get up from class and step into the hallway to regain some composure. And it worked. For about 30 seconds. I got back into the class and it just started all over again. My professor couldn't even stop laughing. I would look up and see my friend across the room and that was it. It was ridiculous.
I had to explain that I use laughter as a stress release. And this week just so happens to be the busiest week of the summer. So of course I laughed a lot. And I needed it too. It just reminded me of so many good times where my friends and I end up laughing for hours about nothing.
So, listen to the Avril song "Runaway" because it inspired today's picture. And if you want a good laugh watch the Dane Cook and the "That's what she said" clips. Enjoy!
Avril - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkGacEwwb9A
Dane Cook - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk9Fq5QT3ps
TWSS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAAi_42uIkQ
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