Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"I hope you [have] the time of your life"

So I changed these lyrics in the title of today's post. Originally it's "I hope you had the time of your life" but I changed to go along with today's picture. This picture is of my OT class. There are 22 of us but I think that one or two of the girls couldn't make it to the BBQ. These past 6 six weeks have been crazy busy, stressful, and fun. We've all put time into our work and really focused on getting to know one another. Grad school is hard enough as it is, but it's hard to stick 22 girls in one class and have everything run smoothly.

I think 99% of the time, we've all gotten along really well. Nothing stands out to me about any one person not getting along with another or about any drama that happened. If people plan events, everyone gets invited. When we talk about stuff, whether inside or outside of class, everyone's views and opinions are respected. We mesh really well together!

In only six weeks, we've grown so close as a whole class but also through the friendships we've developed. No one person is the same but we can relate with and empathize with one another through the experiences we've had. The program itself is really hard, but with such great peers/colleagues/friends, it makes it just a little bit easier to deal with.

My hope for us as a class, is that as the next 2 1/2 years unfold, we dwell on the good, remember the bad, and move forward towards our future. We'll look back and remember the late night study sessions and laugh at ourselves at obsessing over these finals. We'll realize that while these tests are important, so is the time we put in to our relationships. We'll remember the tests, the stress, and being overwhelmed. But we'll also remember the potlucks, the constant laughing, and the inside jokes. Our purpose is, of course, to learn about our profession and become Occupational Therapists. The journey is about all the things we'll do together on the way.

I hope when we graduate in 2012 (wow that's so far away!) that we'll look back and realize we did have the time of our lives.

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