Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My to-do list

This is a list of everything I need to do school-wise before I can leave for break. I broke it down by class and professor. Seems kind of crazy.

Wenos: Development
Research Paper

Russell - Yun: Therapeutic Media
Finish activity (mine is Scrapbooking)
Go to a metal show and write a summary on it
Write up a group protocol
Facilitate group during class
Activity Analysis (write a 30 page paper on facilitation/protocol)
Write up 2 summaries on other group's facilitations

Loveland: Neuroscience Lab
Exam #2
Adaptive Equipment Research Paper
Sunnyside Project (performing assessments on an older adult and writing a paper on it)

Gabriele: Neuroscience Lecture
Presentations on Stroke
Write up Study Guides for Final

Believe it or not, I also have pop quizzes in there and random assignments that appear "magically" on the syllabus. These next 3 weeks are going to kill me. Will it all get done??? Somehow I'll finish it. But I just spend 3 hours studying for my neuroscience lab test for Friday and I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere on it yet. Yuck

But on the bright side, I got a 99 on my neuroscience lecture exam and it was really hard!!! It's actually helping me stay motivated for studying for both the lecture and lab. Well enough time here, I've gotta go get a few more things crossed off the list. Ugh.

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