In my opinion, why don't we do special things for the person or people we love all year round? I'm not saying that every day deserves something special, but why can't we be more consistent in our actions?? Why don't we tell people what they mean to us all the time instead of special occasions or holidays??
One of my goals this year it so to really let the people I love, know how much they mean to me. I have so many amazingly, beautiful people in my life whom I rarely express how important they are to me. But that's gonna change now - I'm gonna make it a challenge for myself. Each day of February, I'm going to choose someone who's very close to me and let them know just how valuable they are to me. I encourage you to do the same - or something of the sort. It's amazing what a few words will do.
This is true. At least that is how I choose to look at it this year since I cannot be with Troy. There will be a lifetime of them, but once you find your "one" you may change your mind. lol Love You! Can't wait to catch up this week!! Oh and I have a new blog if you want to check it's mainly about Army stuff, Troy, and crafts: but I post a lot more than I did my other blog so you can add me if you like :)oh and Happy (non) Valentines Day!!