Sunday, November 6, 2011

The power of speech

Today my pastor said, "Jesus loves you just the way you are. But He loves you too much to leave you where you're at." He then proceeded to give a sermon on James 3 and how the tongue reflects the whole body. I sat in the pew in both amazement and disbelief because this week alone I've read through the book of James and 1 Peter - both have amazing insight on ways to speak.

Coincidence? I think not. I don't really believe there are such things as coincidence when it comes to God. I believe He has the unlimited power and ability to make these things happen. Sitting in that pew, He spoke to me today. I'm not going to rephrase or repeat the whole sermon because frankly, you might not be interested in that. But he did give 3 points that really hit home when it comes to our speech.

1. My tongue directs where I go
2. My tongue can destroy what I have
3. My tongue displays who I am

There is a lot of power in the words that we speak. One negative comment can resonate with a person for a lifetime, taking years to overcome the critic. I don't want to be one of those people who tears people down, I want to be uplifting and encouraging. Gossiping, slandering, cursing, yelling, all of these things do not show the love the God has offered me.

It's definitely going to be a long journey and a difficult struggle. But with God on my side, I'm hoping He can change my heart to reflect Him and not the causalities of this world.

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