Sunday, November 6, 2011

Faith - what does it look like to you?

In all seriousness, what does faith look like to you? A question posed at bible study tonight, has me thinking. It was discussed that faith is often associated with emotions and feelings. When we see God move in our lives, we often feel loved and blessed. But even in the times where we don't see God moving, well, He's still loving us. And He's still there. That's what faith is all about. Having the ability to believe in a God who is full of greatness even though we can't see Him. We talk about walking by faith, but what does that even mean?

For me, walking by faith is believing that God's plans are better than my own. He has a purpose for me, one that I don't always see. For me, faith is giving Him all the power and control and living according to His will. It's acknowledging that it may not always work out the way that I want it to, but I have no doubt that my needs will be met. Faith is trusting that God has all things under control at all times. It's the being able to get up every day - even the rough days - and meet with Him in my quiet times; it's Him loving me all the time despite my failures. It's the ability to pray and face the unknown; the act of being persecuted and sharing in His trials; it's learning to love even the most difficult people. Faith is a combination of things, but to me it's walking in a personal relationship with Christ each and every day.

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