Monday, September 12, 2011

Quick thought or two...

One thing that I absolutely long for, and I'm being completely open and vulnerable here, is to find a husband, get married, and be blessed with children. A dream far fetched? I don't think so. But, it's something that I constantly think about. For instance, if I'm not going to meet someone at JMU (and btw I am completely 100% sure that I will not find someone here, but I'm okay with that), where will I meet someone? As a grad student in a class of 22 girls, my options are slim.

There's always church/bible study which is ideal. Even the gym wouldn't be so bad. Quite possibly the "bank boy" would make a delightful boyfriend. :) However, I always feel that there's a time crunch. And I've finally figured out what my problem is. I'm so invested in this idea that society has for me (- go to college, get married, go to college, get married) that I'm not thinking about the idea that God has for me.

I recently heard this quote, "Don't pray that God will put someone in your life, pray that you're ready for them when they come." Nice words. Guess where it was from? Millionaire Matchmaker, yet another "realistic" view of when you should meet someone. Though the words do speak some truth.

My big realization hit me last night after bible study: I don't need to be focusing on what kind man I'm looking for or even what kind of wife I'll be someday. I need to be focusing on what kind of woman God wants me to be. He has this perfect plan for my life and while it would be tragic (at least in my eyes) to never get married, He should be enough for me throughout my life. So my goal this semester is to focus on being the type of woman that God wants me to be - not who I want to be or who I think anybody else wants me to be.

I'll leave you with this final thought that has really inspired this new thinking:
"A woman is not born a woman, nor does she become one when she marries a man, bears a child and does their dirty linen; not even when she joins a women's liberation movement. A woman becomes a woman when she becomes what God wants her to be."


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