Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The difference between a good day and a great day

Compare and Contrast:

  1. lots of class
  2. elliptical at the gym
  3. read my bible and journaled
  4. did absolutely no homework
  5. watched the Redskins and Braves both lose
  6. homemade coffee
  1. went to fieldwork (which I love)
  2. elliptical at the gym and a 3.5 mile run (which I also love)
  3. read my bible, journaled, read parts of 2 other books, and spent time listening to God
  4. did SBP, EBP, Tutorial, and AT homework
  5. watched Glee, watching the New Girl, and I'll attempt to watch Parenthood @ 10 (though that is past my bed time)
  6. homemade coffee + starbucks coffee

I mean these are just a few examples to express how much better Tuesday was than Monday. Maybe it's because Monday is the beginning of the week and therefore doomed to be miserable, or maybe it's just all in my perspective. Who knows. But today was fabulous.

God Bless.

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