Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thw wonderful world of cheese

Yes, cheese. Have you ever been to Wisconsin?? Cheese is in the air. And so is cow manure, horse manure, chicken manure, etc. You can really get a sense of that fresh dairy smell. And that was with the car windows rolled up. I couldn't imagine being a farmer who smells like that all the time! (Disclaimer: this is not a diss to farmers as I truly appreciate the wonderful food their farms produce).

Aside from the wonderful Wisconsin smell, I visited family. Each year we have a "retreat" where all of the women on my mom's side of the family (and I do mean ALL) gather around from states near and far and celebrate. What do we celebrate, you may ask? Why, the invention of beer, the deliciousness of food, and most importantly our German heritage. Not really. We just get together do random things and drink until the heart's content. Literally. This year it was in WI at my grandmother's house.

One night we decided it would be fun to go see the movie Bridesmaids. So we did. Dressed as bridesmaids. I'm pretty sure those pictures will be locked up for all eternity.

But the cheese was awesome. We even brought some home.

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