Monday, August 29, 2011

The Summer My Friends Grew Up

As I've been reflecting on my life and those who are in it, I've noticed a reoccurring theme throughout my friends: They've all grown up.

And while, yes, most 22, 23, etc. year old adults do grow up, it kind of puts me in a different life category than most of them. For instance, Amanda and Ben got married and moved to Pennsylvania. Megan has been married for almost a year (!!!) and is living in Louisiana. Emily has graduated with her masters and has a real, grown up job. Becky has graduated and is living out in Colorado.

Me?? Well, I'm just in my second year of grad school. So I am still in school, but I'm not an undergrad like Laura or Bud. Where does this leave me in my life?? I mean, I'm still very goal oriented and driven, and one day I'm sure I'll love having a "real" job. But I am seriously over the school thing too.

It doesn't change anything between me or any of my friends. But it is interesting to see what path each person takes. It also means putting in a little more effort to keep the friendship in tack. But a job well worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya. It's weird being in that in-between place. We're adults, but STILL in school. Hopefully it will be worth it!
