Thursdays are one of my favorite days of the week right now because I do not have any scheduled classes and field work is over. This means I get to use the day as I please - today consisted of meeting with two professors (which last from 9:45-11:10) and then studying (which doesn't really count because I couldn't concentrate. I made a pit stop at Target and then headed home.
When I got home, I was distracted. AND I STEPPED ON A SNAKE! YES! There was a snake in the middle of the walk way and I stepped on the tail. I saw it at the last second but it was too late to reprogram my motor coordination/gait. It looked at me and I looked at him and I SCREAMED. I ran to my apartment and threw open the door. I called the grounds people at my apartment complex and am waiting to see if they moved/captured/killed/whatevered it yet.
I might try to take a picture....hold that thought....
Okay, I just mustered up the courage to open the door. He had moved some but he's still out there....
It's not very clear because I didn't want to get very close.
LoL, I <3 you, brought a smile =)