Of course there's always more work to be done, but thankfully I have Tuesday off (Assessment Day) to catch up. My class is also having a Valentine's/chick flick movie night/no boys allowed get together on Tuesday night. It'll be fun. I came back from Richmond this evening and went to a new bible study being started up at church. It's going to be really good. We're studying Francis Chan's Forgotten God - it's major emphasis is on the Holy Spirit and how to get that back into our lives. It seems like it'll be really intense, but really worth it.
There's no better feeling in the world than having a passion for Christ. When I first became saved, for a whole year or more I was on fire for God. He had complete control of my life and I can't remember a time when I'd ever been happier. For the past year or so, I've felt that something has been missing and now with this bible study starting, I feel like I might find that passion again.
Anyways, I had a fabulous weekend but now it's back to the grind. Hitting the books and the bed. Gotta rest up to make it to Spring Break.
I had so much fun with you! I like the pictures. I should start doing a "My weekend in pctures" post. It would be a lot easier than saying everything in words! lol