Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life doesn't just happen

You will only be faced with lessons that you are capable of learning and are specific to your own growth - you cease being the victim of fate or circumstances and become empowered - life no longer just 'happens to you.'
- Jack Canfield

Life doesn't just happen. Trust me, I have 22 years of experience to go on. 22 years of making decisions and taking chances. 22 year of success, but also failure. In its essence that's what life is.

Anyways the quote I posted at the top was meant for a little inspiration. This week is my hardest week of the semester, meaning one thing: Midterms. While I have been fortunate enough to have one take home exam and no Friday class this week, I find myself bogged down with an unrealistic amount of studying to be done. My first midterm is on Tuesday in my hardest class: sensorimotor. So far I've only made it through half of the material. It'll be interesting for sure. My other in class mid term is on Wednesday- doesn't really give a whole lot of study room. Oops.

Believe it or not, I'm actually pretty calm. Despite everything that needs to be done, I have this faith that everything will get done. Maybe it's the Spirit of God calming my soul so that I make it through this week or maybe it's just the lack of effort trying to persuade myself everything will be okay. I'm not sure. Could be either, could be both. But I've made it through so much worse, I know I can make it through this too.

It's just life I suppose.

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