Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Not-so-glamorous running life

While I'll be the first to admit how absolutely wonderfully amazing running 40+ miles a week can be, it can also have its downfall.  Somewhere between the pages of RACES NEAR YOU and WHAT TO EAT WHEN TRAINING of Runner's World, you might overlook the pages titled THE GROSS PARTS OF RUNNING.  And of course you wouldn't see them because it's not there.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE running.  I just wish someone had told me about ALL the ins and outs included.  Here's a list:

-opposums at 5AM
-hills that never stop know if you ever need to toot you have to be careful no one is ever behind you...
-bathroom breaks...ugh painfully-urgent-better-get-to-the-bathroom-now breaks
-homeless people who look like zombies
-homeless people who try to sell you drugs...this hasn't actually happened to me but they LOOK like they want to sell me drugs or kidnap me
-chaffing in all the wrong places
-blisters and losing toe nails and yes that actually does happen
-dogs (that's what pepper spray is for)
-the 5AM wake up call letting you know it's time to run
-random technology malfunctions (ie. your headphones breaking mid run)
-knee/hip/muscle pain

Okay, so some of the things are generally covered in running magazines but I was always under the impression "oh that won't happen to me".  Until it does.  As you can see, I've had a lot of interesting encounters when running.

This past Saturday (while running 20 miles in Richmond with Kim), I experienced the whole headphones breaking thing.  Luckily there were only 3 miles left and we mostly chatted/complained about the last three miles/homestretch.

Today I ended up running a half marathon (what's 3 extra miles of the already scheduled 10?) and though it wasn't the best race I've ever run, I feel pretty proud of myself.  It was hilly and I had run freaking 20 miles yesterday!  So on 6 hours of sleep, 5 hours of driving, and 33.1 miles of running this weekend, I managed to maintain under a 10 minute mile without walking for a time of 2:07/2:08.

The crazy part?? I get to lace up again tomorrow.  And I'll love every minute of it.

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