Sunday, September 2, 2012

Highway to Hell

An appropriate title for the "Rock n Roll" half marathon I just ran today.  It was quite the event.  And by that I mean it was one of the worst races I've run in a while. It wasn't my worst race, but it was far far from my best race.

Last year, at this time, I started my running adventure with my first race ever - the Va Beach half marathon.  I thought it would be an appropriate way to start the racing season this year; to come full circle.  And while I have improved greatly in my running, you wouldn't know it from my race today.

The next part of this blog is kind of painful and somewhat humiliating to write.  My pride's been a little bruised and I've had quite the serving of humble pie.  My time...wait for it... 2:10:11.  Ugh, one of the not so greatest times I've run.  Like I said, not the worst, but certainly far from my better races.

The day started with a 4:30 AM wake up call, lots of hustle and bustle (not to mention some parking traffic), and a quick jump into the corrals.  And just like that we were off. I started off ahead of the 2:00 hour mile marker feeling pretty good the first mile.  It didn't last long.  By mile 3, I was struggling from the heat and humidity.  I was already dripping in sweat and mascara just trying to put one foot in front of the other (I've learned some days that's all you can ask for).  By mile 4, I was ready to throw in the towel.

I got through mile 4, but unfortunately slowed my pace.  I watched the 2:00 hour mile marker drift further and further away out of reach (dramatic, yes).  But at that point, I didn't care.  My goal switched from getting a personal best to just finishing the race without walking.  Around mile 7 or so, Kim and I randomly met up and ran together for the next few miles.  We both were struggling, so it was nice to have the company.  The rest of the race is pretty much a blur.  Between miles 8 - 13 there were cuss words (in my mind), popsicles, sprinklers, one not-so-big-but-oh-so-tough hill at mile 12, a never ending boardwalk, and a whole lot of mental triumph.

BLAH.  I totally just word vomited all over this blog post and I'm not even sure where that leaves me now.  We spent the rest of the day lounging watching trashy reality tv, eating way too many calories, and complaining/justifying my poor race time.  Will I be a contender next year?? Hm...maybe in the relay??

I'd post pictures, but honestly they're not that great and I just don't have the energy. Happy running.

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