Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hey, it's been a while...

Wow, it's almost been a month since I last blogged and I have to admit, a lot has happened since then.  A quick run down is in order I suppose.  So here it goes:

-My grandfather was in the hospital for a week and is now successfully home
-I have completed 6 full weeks of fieldwork and am working on week 7
-I have started training for the marathon
-I ran my longest run ever last weekend, a whopping 14.1 miles!!!
-I subscribed to netflix and am on season 3 of gossip girl (yea I started at the beginning too so it's kind of pathetic)
-I've been home more times than I can count on one hand - which is a record for me actually because I've been home more in the past month than I was all last year
-I've learned the value of sleep, but running means more to me than rest
-I'm finally plugging into my church and small group and have made some really amazing friends.  It makes me feel like Richmond is home.

There's been a lot more here or there that's happened too, but right now, these seem to be the things that stick out the most.  I'm hopeful that I'll get around to blogging more this weekend since I'll actually be in Richmond for a change.  I have a whole list of ideas that I want to blog on, but I want to make sure that when I do, it really means something.  I can't stand blogs that are lists of things to do or have no real significance.  Other than that, nothing new is going on here.  I'm just working out hard, running harder, and filling the in between time with work.  :)

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