Sunday, June 10, 2012

But the beauty of grace... that it makes life not fair.

Good lyrics from a great song that always seems to remind me of God when I need Him the most. I'm a really lucky person.  I say that because I've been given grace from my Savior even though I am absolutely unworthy.  But in my mind, that's what grace is - undeserved forgiveness.

Which leads me to my next thought.  Forgiveness.  Knowing when to ask for it and when to give it are two equally hard concepts that I know all too well.  I'm trying to figure out which one is easier to handle, but in all honesty, I don't think I could give an answer.  It's definitely something I need to work on in my life however difficult it may be.  I'm learning right now to let things go, let disappointments fade, and handle every situation with the grace that it does or does not deserve.  

We all I make mistakes, we all I disappoint, we all I lash out, cry out, and hurt others whether or not those are the intentions we have my intentions.  And though the pain involved often seems greater in the moment, in the aftermath once the smoke has settled, there's grace sitting patiently waiting for you me.  I really need to step up my game and learn to be more forgiving and less demanding and incredibly more giving of grace.  

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