Monday, May 21, 2012

Another half down!

This past Sunday, I ran my 4th half marathon! Now 4 is not a big number.
But when you consider all the work and effort that goes into every race,
it's kind of a big deal.  This race was different than the other in a few different
ways.  First, it was the hilliest course that I've ever run.  And I live/train in the
mountains.  The hills were brutal.

Second, the atmosphere was incredible.  I ran the Historic Marine Corp Half.
No matter what part of the course you were on or whether you had already
finished, there were marines everywhere cheering you along the way.  Doesn't
that sound a little backwards to you?? Shouldn't we be the ones cheering them
on?  Anyways, it didn't matter what branch of the military you were in, there
were people representing everything - army, navy, coast guard, you name it.

A few times when I was running, I really had to hold myself together.  Seeing
all of these incredible heroes who goes through so much for this country had
me thinking about all of the incredible freedoms we have.  I ended up making
it without crying, but few people left with dry eyes.

It was an incredible race that I was privileged to be a part of.  And to all the
military personnel out there, thank you for all you do.  You are truly appreciated.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Just a little good night note

As usual there's a lot going on. I was thinking I could post about my oh-so-boring 4 week class or even talk about the many things that I've done or have planned, but as I was driving home from my friend's house, this song came on the radio and it's been stuck in my head ever since. Also that may have been the longest sentence ever.

 Seriously, check it out because it is awesome and encompasses everything I want to be as a Christian. It's called "I wanna live like that". Granted, it's not always easy, heck it's hardly ever easy, but ideally, I want to live like that for Christ. I want His love to be overflowing from my life so that I can share with any and every one. The lyrics are sweet and touch my heart every time I hear them.

Sometimes I think
 What will people say of me
 When I'm only just a memory
 When I'm home where my soul belongs

 Was I love
 When no one else would show up
 Was I Jesus to the least of those
 Was my worship more than just a song

 I want to live like that
 And give it all I have
 So that everything I say and do
 Points to You

 If love is who I am
 Then this is where I'll stand
 Recklessly abandoned
 Never holding back

 I want to live like that
 I want to live like that

 Am I proof
 That You are who you say You are
 That grace can really change a heart
 Do I live like Your love is true

 People pass
 And even if they don't know my name
 Is there evidence that I've been changed
 When they see me, do they see You

 I want to live like that
 And give it all I have
 So that everything I say and do
 Points to You

 If love is who I am
 Then this is where I'll stand
 Recklessly abandoned
 Never holding back

 I want to live like that
 I want to live like that

I want to show the world the love You gave for me 
I'm longing for the world to know the glory of the King

 I want to live like that
 And give it all I have
 So that everything I say and do
 Points to You If love is who I am
 Then this is where I'll stand
 Recklessly abandoned
 Never holding back

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nothing is ever by coincidence

When you have a personal relationship with Christ, I find it easy to believe that nothing happens by chance or coincidence. I think every little detail is intricately planned by God. Just yesterday I expressed feeling distant from God and not seeing Him work in my life. This morning when I had my quiet time, I started the book of Leviticus. Before each chapter there's a little intro to each book explaining who wrote it, when it happened, what was going on, and how applicable it is today. Today's intro started out with something like this: God seems so far away...if only I could see or hear him. Have you ever felt this way - struggling with loneliness, burdened by despair, riddled with sin, overwhelmed by problems? Made in God's image, we were created to have a close relationship with him; thus, when fellowship i broken, we are incomplete and need restoration. Communion with the living God is the essence of worship. It is vital, touching the very core of our lives... To me, it seemed a little ironic until I thought about how good God is. He cares so much, even about the little things, to let me know "Look, this happens. This is what you're feeling. And this is what you're gonna do about it." It's definitely a small thing and maybe a stretch, but God works in amazing ways. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalms 139:13-14

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A little bit of distance... never good in your relationship with God. Lately, I've had this feeling that I'm just not doing things right or there's something going on in my life that's got to change, because these past couple of weeks I have felt so far from God. I've felt that there's this distance between us that's limiting my ability to live full on for God every moment of every day. Granted, I've been busy and stressed with full time clinicals, half marathons, and exams, but that's no excuse. I'm still having my quiet times each morning. For me, it's a crucial way to start the day. It gets my mind focused on Christ and I feel that I'm better able to live for Him. But even in my quiet time something's missing. I don't want to say that God's a feeling, because He is SO MUCH MORE than that. But I can feel the difference of being in His presence and when I'm not. I think a lot of what I'm going through right now is that I'm really struggling for Christian fellowship. I haven't been to my OT bible study in a month and my college group just got started after a long absence. I'm not trying to point fingers, but being in a graduate program where there are so few believers makes it difficult for me not only to make the right decisions, but be held accountable for them. That's where the fellowship comes in, breaking up the monotony and being with people who hold the same values and ideas that I do - it's downright crucial for survival through this Christian walk. Today was the first time in weeks, where I had a quiet time where I felt so connected to God and in His presence. The best part - when I was praying and reading it wasn't about me at all. I was just giving honor and praise to God throughout everything - something I don't do enough. Even when I don't "feel" Him, I know He's there. There would be no way I could make it through everything I'm going through without Him. But there's something about being in His presence, that just makes you feel alive and on fire for God. Just food for thought.