Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The prodigal son

I know this is one of those spoon fed Bible stories that are told to us when we're little, but I reread this parable and am so completely humbled by the love God has for me. If you need a refresher it's Luke 15:11-32.

Thoughts or Main Ideas I got from reading it today:
1. It's the story of rebellion and running. It's believing that we know what's better for ourselves than God does.
2. It's never too late to turn to God, no matter what your circumstances are, no matter what you're struggling or dealing with. He is always there with arms wide open ready to receive His lost child.
3. The love of God is limitless. This kind of goes back to #2. But there is absolutely nothing that you or I can do that would turn Him away from us. And that is a truly amazing love.

The beauty of the story is not if the child returns home, but when. If you look at verse 20, the boy's father was there each day searching the road for the return of his son. And when he sees him, he is filled with compassion and mercy and welcomes him home.

The greatest gift you can give someone, is to love them without strings, conditions, or expectations. Freely loving someone means accepting them as they are whether or not we feel they are worthy of it. It's loving in a way that doesn't make sense to and is not accepted by the world. It's the way Jesus loved and still loves.

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