I don't know if you've ever though about running in the rain, but it's not as glamorous as it sounds. Kim planned a 7 mile route that, on a normal day probably would have been a no-brainer. Today, it was an adventure to put it mildly. During the first mile, it started to down pour. We were already soaked with 6.5 miles left to go. The rain backed off a little bit and though it wasn't enjoyable, it wasn't nearly as bad as before. What made it especially difficult was dodging all of the ginormous puddles that continued to build up throughout the whole route. This was just one of those days where time doesn't matter, you just keep running to finish. And finish we did, after we stopped at the move theater so Kim could use the bathroom. Seriously, there was a lot of mishap along the way of the run. And even though it was slower than normal, my legs definitely feel 7 miles worth of worn and sore.
Now I'm going to celebrate my going drinking lots and lots of coffee. And maybe take a nap. The best part of the run? Kim and I decided that we are hardcore runners. In between the "oh my gosh my shoes!" and the "yuck, the mud!" we really are a couple of tough chicks. Pictures to follow. I promise they're hilarious.
I always thought I wanted to look good until I realized what it felt like to be fit.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
A fabulous run
This week has been pretty awesome. Let me back track a bit and fill you in on some of the amazing things God is teaching me.
Sunday I went to the 6PM service with Jo where I was just in a terrible mood. There was nothing that happened that made me feel bitter, but I constantly had to talk to God to pull me out of this funk so I could enjoy the service and the college/career group afterwards. God changed my attitude and I felt completely in His presence. After church and our group, we always go out to eat. We just went to Applebee's and had great fellowship with one another. Since the beginning of the night my attitude had done a 180 turn. It made me realize that God has this journey for each of us and while we desperately need to cling to Him, He's given us each other too. He doesn't want us to have to go through this life alone. It was so comforting and truly made me feel like I am where I need and am supposed to be.
Then Sunday night I had a crazy dream. I know I blogged about a crazy dream a few months ago, but this one was completely different. Joanna and I were on a road trip going somewhere south, about an 8 drive, though no name was specifically given. Along the way we stopped to see Joanna's mom and sister. We ate at this little hometown cafe/restaurant. We had this really cute waiter. And even though I am not this forward, I asked him for his phone number. He looked at me and said "I don't know even know you. What are your goals in life?" I rattle off my goals and he told me his which were almost identical. He asked me "What characteristics are you looking for in a man?" For some reason, I pulled out a list from my pocket. I read off a bunch but did say that he had to be a man of God - which is and was definitely on my must-have list. He rattled off his list saying that his wife would have to be a Christian. I kind of sat there in disbelief and showed him that I had that written down about a spouse too. He took my number and said that he would call me, but he would make the first move. And that was that.
The rest of the dream is hazy, but I so vividly still remember everything that happened. I woke up Monday morning and felt like I had heard directly from God. I think there were a couple of things that God was telling me through this dream. First, all of the characteristics I want and desire in a husband, I can have. God's telling me He will give me those things, but I have to wait for His timing and not settle for something else while I'm waiting. Secondly, God is again is definitely telling me to be patient. For example, where the waiter said that he would make the first move. God needs to be still and listen to Him. Lastly, and this may be a stretch, but just being on a journey with no real destination in mind makes me think that God can and will call me anywhere and I'll have to be ready to do.
Anyways this dream has been on my mind all week, but it's been such an encouragement.
In other news, I had a fabulous run today. It was only 6.33 miles, but it was mostly hills and very intense and I feel empowered. And a little sore. Enjoy this beautiful day!
Sunday I went to the 6PM service with Jo where I was just in a terrible mood. There was nothing that happened that made me feel bitter, but I constantly had to talk to God to pull me out of this funk so I could enjoy the service and the college/career group afterwards. God changed my attitude and I felt completely in His presence. After church and our group, we always go out to eat. We just went to Applebee's and had great fellowship with one another. Since the beginning of the night my attitude had done a 180 turn. It made me realize that God has this journey for each of us and while we desperately need to cling to Him, He's given us each other too. He doesn't want us to have to go through this life alone. It was so comforting and truly made me feel like I am where I need and am supposed to be.
Then Sunday night I had a crazy dream. I know I blogged about a crazy dream a few months ago, but this one was completely different. Joanna and I were on a road trip going somewhere south, about an 8 drive, though no name was specifically given. Along the way we stopped to see Joanna's mom and sister. We ate at this little hometown cafe/restaurant. We had this really cute waiter. And even though I am not this forward, I asked him for his phone number. He looked at me and said "I don't know even know you. What are your goals in life?" I rattle off my goals and he told me his which were almost identical. He asked me "What characteristics are you looking for in a man?" For some reason, I pulled out a list from my pocket. I read off a bunch but did say that he had to be a man of God - which is and was definitely on my must-have list. He rattled off his list saying that his wife would have to be a Christian. I kind of sat there in disbelief and showed him that I had that written down about a spouse too. He took my number and said that he would call me, but he would make the first move. And that was that.
The rest of the dream is hazy, but I so vividly still remember everything that happened. I woke up Monday morning and felt like I had heard directly from God. I think there were a couple of things that God was telling me through this dream. First, all of the characteristics I want and desire in a husband, I can have. God's telling me He will give me those things, but I have to wait for His timing and not settle for something else while I'm waiting. Secondly, God is again is definitely telling me to be patient. For example, where the waiter said that he would make the first move. God needs to be still and listen to Him. Lastly, and this may be a stretch, but just being on a journey with no real destination in mind makes me think that God can and will call me anywhere and I'll have to be ready to do.
Anyways this dream has been on my mind all week, but it's been such an encouragement.
In other news, I had a fabulous run today. It was only 6.33 miles, but it was mostly hills and very intense and I feel empowered. And a little sore. Enjoy this beautiful day!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
And another week has already come and gone...
Words from a country song. Have I mentioned that I'm on a really big country kick right now? All this warm weather and country music makes it almost feel like summer. You know where I'll be this summer?? Besides slaving away 40+ hours a week for my clinical rotation?? I'm spending few days in Nashville! My dream come true. The other day Joanna and I were having a conversation about where we'd be if we were doing what we TRULY wanted to do - dream job or place to live - I decided I'd be in Nashville. Let me rewind about how this all came about.
Friday was my first day of clinicals which is awesome. I'm on the neuro unit at UVA's acute care hospital. I got to see all kinds of amazing things on my first day. Not only the typical stroke and neuro conditions, but different spinal and brain surgery patients, a mandibularotomy, and some other cool things. It was amazing. Afterwards I met my classmate Laura in Charlottesville for some window shopping and dinner. I stayed the night at her house in Waynesboro because we were running a 10k for her husband's cross country team early this morning. We ran our 6 miles pretty fast - an 8:57 pace per mile! I finally broke under 9 minutes!
Anyways we were walking around and talking about things we'd like to or go and it just so happens that Laura and her husband will be spending a few days in Nashville with their family and invited me to go along! FOR FREE. Yes, absolutely no cost.
Considering this is the one place I've been dying to go (and I can see myself ending up there eventually), I jumped right on it. And it looks like the world of music and country stars awaits. I am beyond excited.
Friday was my first day of clinicals which is awesome. I'm on the neuro unit at UVA's acute care hospital. I got to see all kinds of amazing things on my first day. Not only the typical stroke and neuro conditions, but different spinal and brain surgery patients, a mandibularotomy, and some other cool things. It was amazing. Afterwards I met my classmate Laura in Charlottesville for some window shopping and dinner. I stayed the night at her house in Waynesboro because we were running a 10k for her husband's cross country team early this morning. We ran our 6 miles pretty fast - an 8:57 pace per mile! I finally broke under 9 minutes!
Anyways we were walking around and talking about things we'd like to or go and it just so happens that Laura and her husband will be spending a few days in Nashville with their family and invited me to go along! FOR FREE. Yes, absolutely no cost.
Considering this is the one place I've been dying to go (and I can see myself ending up there eventually), I jumped right on it. And it looks like the world of music and country stars awaits. I am beyond excited.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
A new week...
So, I've managed to make it back to Harrisonburg, unpack all of my stuff, do the dishes, vacuum, get my laundry going, have my quiet time, and get ready for the day. Everything is done and all I have left to do is study for a ginormous test on Thursday.
Yes, that's right, a test the very week after spring break when the professor knows full well that no one has spent an exuberant amount of time studying. I do have to admit, I have probably done about 3 hours worth so far. Which is better than nothing.
*Sigh. Now, I'm really procrastinating. I have church at 6 tonight so I'm trying to figure out what I can do for the next two hours so I don't have to hit the books. Unfortunately, all the stalling in the world couldn't help right now. I guess I should take advantage of the few hours I have right now since this week promises to be a crazy one.
Even though it is absolutely gorgeous outside. Thank you grad school.
Yes, that's right, a test the very week after spring break when the professor knows full well that no one has spent an exuberant amount of time studying. I do have to admit, I have probably done about 3 hours worth so far. Which is better than nothing.
*Sigh. Now, I'm really procrastinating. I have church at 6 tonight so I'm trying to figure out what I can do for the next two hours so I don't have to hit the books. Unfortunately, all the stalling in the world couldn't help right now. I guess I should take advantage of the few hours I have right now since this week promises to be a crazy one.
Even though it is absolutely gorgeous outside. Thank you grad school.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
As I've revamped my blog, I've deleted a couple of pages and added some new ones. I'm keeping the Spiritual Food For Thought and then added a running section. I don't know if I want to post it all there or here, for fear that it won't get read. And how sad would that be?
Anyways, Sunday, Tina and I ran a grueling 10 miles. Mind you, I've run 10 miles before and not too long ago, but something about this run was hard. Probably the hills, probably the distance, probably the not knowing where you're going all wrapped into one made it difficult.
Well, let me tell you. Monday morning, I felt like I had run a half or longer. I'm still recuperating from the grueling run. Today we did an easy 4.5 mile run which felt incredibly short and liberating compared to the struggle I felt on Sunday.
And now I am incredibly content with sitting on the couch all day watching the Law and Order SVU marathon and eating cake. As Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake!" What she should have said was "Let them eat cake and be happy and watch tv all day."
Happy Spring Break.
Anyways, Sunday, Tina and I ran a grueling 10 miles. Mind you, I've run 10 miles before and not too long ago, but something about this run was hard. Probably the hills, probably the distance, probably the not knowing where you're going all wrapped into one made it difficult.
Well, let me tell you. Monday morning, I felt like I had run a half or longer. I'm still recuperating from the grueling run. Today we did an easy 4.5 mile run which felt incredibly short and liberating compared to the struggle I felt on Sunday.
And now I am incredibly content with sitting on the couch all day watching the Law and Order SVU marathon and eating cake. As Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake!" What she should have said was "Let them eat cake and be happy and watch tv all day."
Happy Spring Break.
The prodigal son
I know this is one of those spoon fed Bible stories that are told to us when we're little, but I reread this parable and am so completely humbled by the love God has for me. If you need a refresher it's Luke 15:11-32.
Thoughts or Main Ideas I got from reading it today:
1. It's the story of rebellion and running. It's believing that we know what's better for ourselves than God does.
2. It's never too late to turn to God, no matter what your circumstances are, no matter what you're struggling or dealing with. He is always there with arms wide open ready to receive His lost child.
3. The love of God is limitless. This kind of goes back to #2. But there is absolutely nothing that you or I can do that would turn Him away from us. And that is a truly amazing love.
The beauty of the story is not if the child returns home, but when. If you look at verse 20, the boy's father was there each day searching the road for the return of his son. And when he sees him, he is filled with compassion and mercy and welcomes him home.
The greatest gift you can give someone, is to love them without strings, conditions, or expectations. Freely loving someone means accepting them as they are whether or not we feel they are worthy of it. It's loving in a way that doesn't make sense to and is not accepted by the world. It's the way Jesus loved and still loves.
Thoughts or Main Ideas I got from reading it today:
1. It's the story of rebellion and running. It's believing that we know what's better for ourselves than God does.
2. It's never too late to turn to God, no matter what your circumstances are, no matter what you're struggling or dealing with. He is always there with arms wide open ready to receive His lost child.
3. The love of God is limitless. This kind of goes back to #2. But there is absolutely nothing that you or I can do that would turn Him away from us. And that is a truly amazing love.
The beauty of the story is not if the child returns home, but when. If you look at verse 20, the boy's father was there each day searching the road for the return of his son. And when he sees him, he is filled with compassion and mercy and welcomes him home.
The greatest gift you can give someone, is to love them without strings, conditions, or expectations. Freely loving someone means accepting them as they are whether or not we feel they are worthy of it. It's loving in a way that doesn't make sense to and is not accepted by the world. It's the way Jesus loved and still loves.
Monday, March 5, 2012
My Aquatic Themed Spring Break...
...And I didn't even need a bathing suit. Seriously though, I flew into Atlanta on Thursday evening after my ALL-DAY TBI class experience. Which I have to admit, makes me want to become an OT that works with patients who have encountered traumatic brain injuries. That aside, I barely made my flight and headed down south for a some warm weather.
What I got was a week full of 40-50 degrees, tornado warnings, and an aquatic themed trip. Let me explain. First of all, I do not mind the weather. I've always loved the cold and this is no exception. However,I must say that I am disappointed that I leave Virginia and we finally get snow. Seriously??? The month of March and I are going to exchange some words later. Secondly, the tornado warnings were not that scary because most of them were 30 minutes away or more therefore we weren't directly impacted. However, the loud and aggressive thunderstorm that preceded the tornadoes gave me the intense desire to sleep walk and hold a full five minute conversation with Tina that I have absolutely no recollection of. Lastly, by aquatic themed, I mean it. Friday night we ate out at Red Lobster and had amazingly delicious seafood. Saturday we headed to the Aquarium, which as I have previously mentioned, gave me the desire to watch the little mermaid. Sunday, we not only had sushi, but then proceeded to watch the little mermaid I discovered a handful of things (amazing what you can learn from a disney movie right?)
1. I just ate all of Ariel's friends...RAW.
2. If I were to be one of Ariel's sisters I would be Attina because she is a brunette, wears a crown-like tiara like her dad, is next in line for the throne being the eldest, and is characterized by being the bossiest and most responsible. Though orange is not my favorite color, this pretty much sums me up.
3. I want a life where I can sing about my problems/issues and also to live with sea creatures. That sea horse in the beginning is so cute and my favorite.
4. Adelaide is a good name for a daughter - which is one of the other sister's names.
5. I really just want to be Belle because she seems to have it more together than Ariel does - though I must say Ariel's prince has a dog; Belle's is one...but that's a whole other debate for a different blog post.
Anyways chew on that for a while and I'll go chew on breakfast. Top of the mornin'!
What I got was a week full of 40-50 degrees, tornado warnings, and an aquatic themed trip. Let me explain. First of all, I do not mind the weather. I've always loved the cold and this is no exception. However,I must say that I am disappointed that I leave Virginia and we finally get snow. Seriously??? The month of March and I are going to exchange some words later. Secondly, the tornado warnings were not that scary because most of them were 30 minutes away or more therefore we weren't directly impacted. However, the loud and aggressive thunderstorm that preceded the tornadoes gave me the intense desire to sleep walk and hold a full five minute conversation with Tina that I have absolutely no recollection of. Lastly, by aquatic themed, I mean it. Friday night we ate out at Red Lobster and had amazingly delicious seafood. Saturday we headed to the Aquarium, which as I have previously mentioned, gave me the desire to watch the little mermaid. Sunday, we not only had sushi, but then proceeded to watch the little mermaid I discovered a handful of things (amazing what you can learn from a disney movie right?)
1. I just ate all of Ariel's friends...RAW.
2. If I were to be one of Ariel's sisters I would be Attina because she is a brunette, wears a crown-like tiara like her dad, is next in line for the throne being the eldest, and is characterized by being the bossiest and most responsible. Though orange is not my favorite color, this pretty much sums me up.
3. I want a life where I can sing about my problems/issues and also to live with sea creatures. That sea horse in the beginning is so cute and my favorite.
4. Adelaide is a good name for a daughter - which is one of the other sister's names.
5. I really just want to be Belle because she seems to have it more together than Ariel does - though I must say Ariel's prince has a dog; Belle's is one...but that's a whole other debate for a different blog post.
Anyways chew on that for a while and I'll go chew on breakfast. Top of the mornin'!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Productive Sundays
I have to say, I am a fan of what I like to call "lazy days". They are the most refreshing, rejuvenating, and re-energizing days of my week. I don't necessarily get to have them all the time, but when I do I am absolutely thankful. In my book, lazy days are no-make-up, dress down clothes, and no-work out days. There's something really special about them. I have to say I love them and appreciate them immensely since being in graduate school.
What I love one step above a good lazy day, is a good productive day. While lazy days are restful, productive days are energizing and encouraging in a completely different way. I can get a lot accomplished and am able to do so many things. Take today for example. Tina and I got up (btw, I'm in Athens, Ga on Spring Break) ran 10 miles, went to church, went to law school, walked around campus, went to the bookstore, had my quiet time, and am now writing a very much needed blog post. And though I didn't do much academically, I feel so accomplished. This is generally the feeling I get after running, despite the distance and other productive things, but nonetheless today was/is a good day.
I'm thankful for days like today too because I'm really able to step back and look at all the things that God has provided for me in this life. I am truly blessed. Speaking of which, I went to the church of Athens today which was almost identical to Valley in the ways of teaching, comfort, openness, acceptance, and believe it or not set-up. I absolutely loved it. The message was also very encouraging. The pastor spoke on authority in our lives and how we need to obey it.
Every authority in our lives has been God-chosen, but it doesn't mean it is godly. Thus being said, we are still expected to obey and respect authority because it's what God wants for us. Good message.
In other news, Tina and I went to the World's Largest Aquarium yesterday in Atlanta. It was a lot of fun, though I enjoy the activities of an 8 year old. :) However, it gave me the urge to watch the little mermaid. Which I plan on doing in about 20 seconds.
Enjoy this God-given day!
What I love one step above a good lazy day, is a good productive day. While lazy days are restful, productive days are energizing and encouraging in a completely different way. I can get a lot accomplished and am able to do so many things. Take today for example. Tina and I got up (btw, I'm in Athens, Ga on Spring Break) ran 10 miles, went to church, went to law school, walked around campus, went to the bookstore, had my quiet time, and am now writing a very much needed blog post. And though I didn't do much academically, I feel so accomplished. This is generally the feeling I get after running, despite the distance and other productive things, but nonetheless today was/is a good day.
I'm thankful for days like today too because I'm really able to step back and look at all the things that God has provided for me in this life. I am truly blessed. Speaking of which, I went to the church of Athens today which was almost identical to Valley in the ways of teaching, comfort, openness, acceptance, and believe it or not set-up. I absolutely loved it. The message was also very encouraging. The pastor spoke on authority in our lives and how we need to obey it.
Every authority in our lives has been God-chosen, but it doesn't mean it is godly. Thus being said, we are still expected to obey and respect authority because it's what God wants for us. Good message.
In other news, Tina and I went to the World's Largest Aquarium yesterday in Atlanta. It was a lot of fun, though I enjoy the activities of an 8 year old. :) However, it gave me the urge to watch the little mermaid. Which I plan on doing in about 20 seconds.
Enjoy this God-given day!
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