Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Fall Adventure

I've had quite the adventure these past two days. Friday after class Sarah D. and I went hiking. not an ordinary hike, but an intense all afternoon at least 4 hour hike. It's about 8 hours and is really deceiving. For instance, the trail starts out going up hill as any normal trail does. Shortly into it, rocks and tree roots are scattered throughout the walkway - not to mention all of the leaves the are slippery. Hiking up was great. We had made great time, despite some of my hesitation. If you've never been, the trail turn into using your whole body to scale rocks. Fun in theory, scary in reality. Especially when there's a gap you jump over where you literally could fall far. The rock scramble is by far the hardest part - you're literally pulling your body up and round this rock. There's really no way to scale it alone. You almost have to have someone there to help pull you up. And definitely make sure you wear the most stable shoes you own.

The way down - well that was another story. We had an hour of daylight as we started the decent down the mountain. We still had an hour left and were left in the dark. There were some creepy people behind us while hiking in the dark therefore we decided we needed to be as quick as possible. Not to mention the deer/coyotes that ran past us which is when we decided to run. Running down a mountain is hard, not to mention in the dark. Sarah and I probably both sprained/rolled our ankles repeatedly but once that adrenaline gets pumping you just can't stop.
There were actually some other scary encounters that evening but to make a long story short, we both had never been so scared in our lives. We also had never been so relieved to see the car as we were Friday night.

Then today, I cleaned and got a lot of homework down. I went on a small hike with Ashley and Megan at Sunset, followed by a Chinese Buffet with Jo. The best part about this weekend is that we have Monday off and I finally feel like I'm getting a break.

Two days of hiking, amazing company, deep conversations, fun friends, and good food? Well, my life is truly blessed. :)


Old Rag

1 comment:

  1. Where did you and Sarah go hiking? It sounds awesome!!
