Lately, it seems that the music that gets me, is country music. Not the "my dog died, my wife left, I'm dirt poor" kind, but the "if you listen to the words I'm singing, there'd be a good message" kind. So often, I sing the words to songs without truly even registering the meaning of the words. But when I stop to think about the words being sung, sometimes it just seems to apply.
It partly has to do with summer, but it partly has to do with growing up. There's really no guarantee for anything these days. Who knows how my life will turn out. I like to think I have some idea and control in the matter, but in reality it's very limited. I don't know which path I'll take or even where I'll end up, but I know that most of the time, the ride is the journey.
ENOUGH with all the melancholy.
In other news, I am having a fabulous summer break seeing as many friends and relatives as I can, while doing as much traveling as I can. Though I haven't started my book yet (more on this in a minute), I'm definitely traveling to Maine, South Carolina, and Wisconsin this summer. I'm even looking into making the trek to Alabama if Ashley's up for it.
As far as my book goes, I really need some suggestions or thoughts on where it should go. I have a lot of different idea, but none seem to make it on paper. I was kind of thinking a funny tell-all book full of 22 years of life experience, but I'm not really sure. I definitely want to incorporate different themes and chapters. For example, I want to write a chapter on my experience at Triple R and a chapter on this summer and so forth. So there's really no set theme or plot. If you have any good thoughts/ideas/stories that you know of that we've created or made fools of ourselves with, let me know.
So, until next time, Buenos Dias!
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