Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random Thoughts

First off, I love the gym. It's one of the only places I can go to clear my head. I spend an hour or so concentrating on my workout and myself - not necessarily something I get to do during the day. It's a refreshing way to start my day. In fact, if I don't start my day working out, I get cranky. It's especially important for me today since I have multiple tests this week. Now that I've worked out, I can go on campus and study for x amount of hours before my test.

Secondly, today in my devotion I read how we should be thankful for our friends. I definitely don't say it enough, but I am so THANKFUL for all of my wonderful and beautiful friends. Despite the many differences we have, we've come together, bonded in some way shape or form. I'm grateful for them. They support me in my decisions, always lend an ear when needed, and most definitely let me vent (which I do all to well with grad school). My friends are very near and dear to my heart. And though many of us are in different states (or will be soon) I'm so glad we're friends.

Corny? Yes. But honest? yep. :)

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