I decided not to drive my little dodge stratus through the storm but I got a ride from Whitney since she has an SUV. The rest of the day was spent mindlessly on tv (mostly tennis). I did manage to organize myself and get a few assignments done.
Then today my field work site was closed so I had the whole day off! Laura gave me a ride to campus where I was expecting to dig my car out from a pile of snow, but it really wasn't that bad. I cleared my car off and since I had left it on campus, the snowplows had already cleared all of the surrounding snow away. I went and grabbed groceries, headed to the gym, cleaned my apartment and did even more work.
All in all it was a productive day. I love snow days where you can actually get around and do things. And it couldn't have come at a better time. It was amazing.
So pretty! I love snow. I hope I get at least one snow day this year.