Definitely makes me homesick. When is Thanksgiving break again??
I always thought I wanted to look good until I realized what it felt like to be fit.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Usually I don't post more than once a week, let alone more than once a day. But I saw this picture of my sister in her Halloween costume and I had to put it up for all to see.
What A Wonderful World
Well, what a wonderful weekend. I spent the weekend in Arlington, VA and D.C. watching one of my best friends get married. It was an evening wedding. It started at 7PM and the reception started around 9:00. Dinner was served around 10:30 and then we danced until almost 2AM. I headed back to a friend's house where I was staying (to avoid those hotel fees!) about 2:30. It was a lot of work between driving there, the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and the wedding itself. Plus, I didn't really get to see Kim as much as I had hoped. It was still a great weekend.

Anytime I spent in the car (and let's be honest, there was A LOT of time in the car) I listened to my new Taylor Swift album. Which is honestly, AMAZING. I love it. My favorite songs right now are "Back to December", "Better than Revenge", and "Long Live". Check those ones out because they are incredible. I would definitely recommend purchasing the cd.

Lastly, I just finished watching How to Train Your Dragon. It is absolutely one of my favorite movies. If you haven't seen, I definitely recommend at least renting that as well. For some reason, it always gets me at the end and I tear up. It's a great kids movie though!
Well off to finish studying for my neuro on test on Tuesday!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Against my better judgement...
Against my better judgement, I've decided that I like my beta fish. Of course you would think that I would naturally like hence the reason I bought him. Not true. When Riley came to visit over the summer, I spoiled her rotten. I mean, that's what big sisters are for. :) I bought her a beta fish (whom she still has!) and I got one as well. When I got mine I decided not to care because I had an incident with fish a few years ago when I lived on campus. Anyways, he's all red and really gorgeous and his name is Sebastian (he reminded me of the crab from the Little Mermaid).
Also, I went through my camera and found some pictures from the summer that I completely forgot about.

This just makes me miss 1. My sister 2. Kim and 3. Summer/My tan
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Too much going on all the time
There's never a dull moment in grad school. And by dull moment, I mean a minute to myself when nothing's going on. All day every day I find that I'm just doing the same thing I did before. My life has become so monotonous. I wake up in the morning (feeling like P Diddy - well just this past weekend not on class days), get ready for class, sit through class, eat lunch, sit through some more class, study at the library, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep, and start the whole process again. My biggest decisions of the day include: whether or not I should study before class or what I should eat for lunch. It just gets so boring and predictable.
I've never really thought of myself as predictable before, but since grad school started, I do the same thing over and over again. And I get it. My job as a student has become this predictable pattern and I guess I'll get over it within the next two years. I just used to be spontaneous and really miss the freedom and flexibility of undergrad.
I know in two more years I'll be glad to be through the program and I'll finally get to practice as an Occupational Therapist, I just wish so many sacrifices weren't involved. Grad school should really come with a warning label: "will forfeit life for textbooks" or something of the sort.
At least for now, Anatomy is over. I finally finished (and passed no less) and we started two other classes in addition to the other semester long one. Neuro and Therapeutic Media. 7 weeks down and 7 weeks to go! Until then I'll be counting down the days until Thanksgiving and Christmas Break.
***Two side notes. I had an amazing weekend with my friends in Richmond. Picture of the week:
Lots of fun, food, and laziness.
Second thought - My dad saw this bumper sticker and thinking of my strong dislike towards Obama, sent it to me in a text. I need one for my car.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
"We got nothin' figured out"
I was looking over the past couple of posts and noticed that I've been posting mostly on Sundays. I guess that's because I'm so busy during the week, I don't really give my blog a second thought. Hopefully, that'll change come the 15th of October. In case you've forgotten, my Anatomy class is officially over in one week. All of my classmates and I are counting down until the day. I literally spent a good 6 1/2 hours studying today, on campus no less and I still don't feel adequately prepared for my exams on Thursday. I spent all day Friday studying as well. And inevitably, I'll spend all day tomorrow studying too. It's a never ending cycle.

This is East Campus Library where I spend ALL (I'm not exaggerating) of my free time studying. It's actually a really nice place to study, especially up on the 4th and 5th floors. You get a really great view of the sunset up there.
Some pretty good things did happen this week. I got a package from Les and Bud filled with toothbrushes and toothpaste. It's an inside joke, but it was definitely welcomed with the long week I had. I'm thinking of a greater, more random thing to send to them now. If you have any ideas, let me know. ;)
Also, I bought Beauty and the Beast. It's definitely one of my top 5 movies. On Friday night, some friends of mine from the OT program came over and we had a movie night. We picked up some pizza and candy and had a relaxing evening after all that studying. It was fabulous.
Then afterwards, I watched the Braves game. I've been an Atlanta Braves fan for along time. In fact, as long as I can remember, I've always cheered for the Braves. It's pretty exciting that they're in the playoffs right now. The games started Thursday night against the San Francisco Giants in California. The first game was disappointing because the Braves lost 1-0. Friday night I fell asleep watching the game in the 6th inning. The braves were down 0-4. When I got up this morning and read the game reviews, I saw that they came back in 11 innings to win 5-4. So the series is tied up 1-1 right now. Play moves to Turner Field in Atlanta tomorrow at 4:30 so I'm excited to see the game!

The last thing I wanted to mention about last week was that I also got Kim's letter in the mail. She made me a really creative card. It was so sweet and nice to get a surprise like that. Oh and the new set of Adventures in Odyssey came! Now I'll have something to listen to when I drive to Richmond this weekend to see Les, Kim, and Bud. I'm super excited and can't wait to have a weekend all to myself (and them) for a change.
That's all for now but hopefully I'll be more consistent throughout the week with blogging.
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