So I've deleted this blog, revamped it, changed it, hated it, but ultimately, I still want somewhere to write a bunch of thoughts that may or may not have to do with exercise or running. And while I still plan on keeping my fitness blog, this is a good place to lay down all those wandering thoughts I still have and still feel the intense need/desire to share.
So where were you a year ago today?
Think about that for maybe five minutes. I can tell you I was working at Fox Speech Therapy, frustrated and fed up with the way I was treated as an employee; completely exhausted with work. I was smitten with a boy who had potential and was (and honestly still is) genuinely a great guy. I was driving Adele (my 2001 dodge stratus from high school). I was living at home (in Montross). And I had just taken my board certification exam for OT.
And today all of that has changed. Drastic right? But a lot can happen in a year. You can quit jobs, take time off, and find new jobs within a matter of weeks. You can have your heart broken and not even be in love. You can buy a new car (I love Ollie by the way - my 2009 Nissan Xterra). You can move - twice even. Yep I did that. Moved twice. And you can be an OT for a whole year in a completely different field.
It's funny because day by day, nothing seems to change, but when you look at it, everything is different. All just life lessons learned I suppose.