To be honest, I kind of forgot I had a blog for awhile. Maybe not so much forgot, as blatantly ignored. It's hard to imagine that it's July and nothing is really as I thought it would be just a few months ago (or probably even my last post).
For instance, not only I have passed my boards (that's right, I'm official!!!) and earned those last four important letters behind my name (OTR/L), but I managed to get and quit my first job and start a whole new one. Not only that, but I moved into a new apartment (with people I don't know), moved out of my mom's house, pretty much stopped running, and am kind of living a whole new life from anything I knew in school.
Out of everything I just mentioned, you know what really bothers me the most? The running part. I read over some posts from the past year and I was crazy in love with the sport. And now? I'm lucky to be logging 10-20 miles a week. Not to mention the i-word.
Marathon training started this week and I've already been slacking. So time to pick up the pace a little bit (pun intended). Last summer, I was so disciplined and determined. I remember dragging myself out of bed at 6AM on Saturday mornings to get in 16, 18, and 20 mile runs before the scorching heat. And I absolutely loved every minute of it. I miss having that passion and drive to do something like that. It was incredibly euphoric. I just want to love running again.
As for the i-word: I'm not sure if it's a bone spur or plantar fasciitis, but it's gotten to the point where I have to get my foot checked out. I'm nervous because usually there comes some typical response of "no running for x amount of weeks".
Not sure what to make of it all. But I'm lacing up tomorrow and hopefully that'll be the first step in getting ready for some fall races.