I always thought I wanted to look good until I realized what it felt like to be fit.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A little bit heartbroken...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
On another completely different topic...
Amy Carmichael: "Father, I'm not soaring today. Help me."
God: "Daughter, soaring is not always flying high above the world. Sometimes one is soaring only two feet above the ground, just enough to keep you from getting tangled in the thorns and crashing against the rocks."
Food for thought
Other books that I read this summer (other than my textbooks) included Wicked, Pants on Fire (Cabot), Dreamland (Dessen), Lock & Key (Dessen), the Pact (Picoult), and Nadal's Bio. All of them great in their own way. However I couldn't help but notice a common theme threaded between the pages. With a few exceptions, all of these books were and are obsessed with love and giving the characters their happy ending. While these may create a fun, bubbly read, I can't help but wonder how these unrealistic love stories have jaded some readers. I'll be the first to admit, I love a good love story. I'm all for happy endings (and seeing the princess come out on top despite how horrible her actions were). In fact, I'd love that happy ending -what girl hasn't dreamt of that at one time or another?
But the bottom line is that real life is not like the stories we read or the movies we watch. It's just not that simple. Truth be told, there are real consequences for our actions. While it's great to live through our favorite characters (movie or book), society has really pushed upon happiness coming from a great love story. I agree that love is a big part of happiness, but it is not the only part. Maybe it's because I'm young and naive, or maybe it's because my priorities are so different from societal views, but I think each person holds the power to create or disrupt their own happiness. I'm the only one who can decide how my happiness is affected. Other people can play parts in this but ultimately I'm the one who decides how I react and feel towards everyone else. I guess what I'm really trying to say, is that we should be able to decide for ourselves where happiness comes from. To one person, it just might be that great love story; happy ending; fairytale. To another, it could be job success or raising a family. The possibilties are endless. Reading books and watching movies gives us a nice break from reality. There's absolutely nothing wrong with either as long as it doesn't dictate what can and should make us happy in life.
Friday, August 27, 2010
"Is this real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality..."
Monday, August 23, 2010
"Today was a fairytale..."
Last week both Leslie and Kim came to visit (seperate visits) and I had Riley with me. We went to the pool most days, shopped some, played at two different parks, shopped some more, made fun dinners, went to Riley's favorite place (McDonald's), visited the SPCA, and so much more. It was a very fun, but packed week. I enjoyed visiting with some of my favorite friends as well as little sister. I brought her back yesterday because she started school today.
So today, we took Riley to her first day of first grade. I really can't believe she's getting so big! Afterwards Bai and I went with our mom to Fredericksburg and ran some errands. After I got home I went over to my grandparent's house. I visited with my grandparents for six hours. We watched Wheel of Fortune and Deal or No Deal. We had a great dinner and watched "From Russia with Love". It's actually a really good James Bond movie. It's an older one -so old in fact that Sean Connery is James Bond. All in all it was really good and I had a blast just spending time with my grandparents.
I love the summer. I'm really sad to see it go. I remember being a little kid and feeling like summer lasted forever. I remember playing outside at my grandparent's house for hours. Sometimes Laura and I would explore down to the pond, sometimes we'd go for a walk in the Apple Orchard. Whatever we did, it was outside - we were so good at entertaining ourselves. Those days have certainly past. A couple blinks of an eye and school's right around the corner. I'm definitely trying to make the most of this last week. Tomorrow I'm heading to Roanoke to spend some time with Emily. I'm pretty excited. The summer has been short, but it has definitely been full!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
3 Showers, 7 days...

Thursday, August 12, 2010
"You said the way my blue eyes shined put those Georgia stars to shame that night"

Tina moved to Georgia! This is just one of the many pictures of the cars we loaded up to get down to GA! She had a lot of stuff, but luckily we made it all fit down on the trip! It was a lot of hard work. We unpacked, packed, and unpacked some more.
We also had a lot of fun!

We played around, went to a couple of bars, and even went to a Braves game at Turner Field. We ended up getting free tickets right behind the dugout! Eventually we found out that the seats were box seats and we got to sit in the AC. It was really cool. Josh and I drove back on Tuesday and I got in late Tuesday night. It was a great trip, just a lot of work. I'm still trying to recover from my summer. Looks like I'm heading to the beach though! I'll be sure to post all of my Maine adventures and pictures soon!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sweet Virginia
Classes ended on the 23rd of July. I went home and spent a few days with my family and then headed out to Maine. I spent a glorious week there doing all of kinds of fun things with the Spangler family. Then I flew back to VA, hung out with Kim for a day, and then headed to Georgia to move Tina into her new apartment (she's going to UGA). I just got back today and am so ready to sleep in my own bed. I'm so exhausted right now that I'm going to save all my Maine adventures and Georgia stories for later posts. I have lots of pictures to share and fun things to talk about. Can't wait to share the rest!